

About +

The archive’s iconographic collection is from the 19th and 20th centuries. The archive has about 600 original stage designs, mostly from the premieres of the respective works, starting with the designs for Verdi’s Attila by Giuseppe Bertoja up to Nicola Benois’s designs for Respighi’s La Fiamma from the 1930s. For some operas there are different variations, such as for Puccini’s Tosca and La bohème, depending on the size of the intended theater. Secondly, the picture collection consists of a collection of thousands of individual costume designs, most of them created by famous designers.

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Iconographies Description ID Date
Disegno per copertina di libretto
Henri-Benjamin Rabaud, ciabattino del Cairo Maruf
Mârouf; Le Câdi; Homme de police; Marins; Le Peuple; Fattoumah; Le Pâtissier
Henri-Benjamin Rabaud, ciabattino del Cairo Maruf
costume design
Les Nègres; Les Travestis du Ballet; Les Dames du Harlem;L'Eunuque; Le Danseuse en noir; Le Danseuse en vert; Les premier danseur nègre
Henri-Benjamin Rabaud, ciabattino del Cairo Maruf
costume design
Le Chiek al Islam; Mârouf; Le Sultan; La Pricesse; Les négrillon; le Vizir
Henri-Benjamin Rabaud, ciabattino del Cairo Maruf
costume design
Genni; Mârouf Les Nains; Le Bourreau
Henri-Benjamin Rabaud, ciabattino del Cairo Maruf
costume design