12 Haymarket
7 agust [sic] 1861
Dear Maestro Arditi,
When I agreed to buy the opera of Ballo in Maschera for £60 I was not aware that several other copies were in existence - consequently I shall be unable in any way to lighten the expense by under letting it - under these circumstances I beg you will kindly explain to Sig Tito Ricordi that I shall not be disposed to purchase it unless [at] a great reduction as I do not require it until next year. I am ready to pay the £16.10 for the hire whenever you like but trust he will kindly give me the first chance of purchasing the music at the cost price instead of sending them all the way back on the parts have been corrected & played from [****] J.H. Mapleson.
P.S. I hope he will register the next opera.