Data: 19/2/1950

Luogo: Londra, Regno Unito

ID: LLET022116

[Carta intestata]

43, Mowbray Road,


London N.W.6.

Willesden 2024.


19th Feb. 1950


Dr Eugenio Clausetti:

G.Ricordi & C.

Via Berchet 2.



Re: E.R. 945

Caro Dottore:


Reference your letter of Jan 11th ult. I am sending you under separate registered cover the revised vocalizzi which I trust will meet with your approval.


Trusting this finds you and yours well, and with every good wish,


E. Herbert-Caesari


P.S. I have already notified my two publishers to insert a new footnote about the vocalizzi, and as several thousand of both works are being printed (one to come out in April and the second in September this year) it will be a constant advertisement.


Please see enclosed announcements of both books.

Trascrizione di Marcella Viale
Tipologia lettera
Sottotipologia lettera
Scrittura dattiloscritto
Lingua inglese

Medatadati Fisici
Nr. Fogli 1
Misure 180 X 135 mm

Lettera titolo LLET022116