Data: 11/1/1950

Luogo: s.l.

ID: LLET022113


January 11th, 1950


Mr. Herbert Caesari

43 Mowbray Road

Northwest 6, London


Dear Mr. Caesari,

I have received your letter of December 28th which I have carefully considered.

I must confess I am not over-enthusiastic at the idea of having to revise the whole E.R.945, as this will imply the engraving of the entire edition, a thing which we have a rule not to allow unless we have sold 1500 to 2000 copies of the first edition. However, having consideration to all you write and also to our personal relations, I have decided that we make an exception this time. Will you therefore send me the manuscript and I shall see that it is put into work.

Waiting for the favour of your reply, I beg you to accept my best regards.

Sincerely Yours, E. Clausetti

Trascrizione di Marcella Viale
Tipologia lettera
Sottotipologia lettera
Scrittura dattiloscritto
Lingua inglese

Medatadati Fisici
Nr. Fogli 1
Misure 300 X 220 mm

Lettera titolo LLET022113