T r a n s c r i p t :


M u n i c h - A.F.N. - S t u t t g a r t

The Twin Voices of Southern Germany


May 22/1950.


to Whom it may concern:


The composition “Prayer” by the composer - pianist, Beppo Schenk, was broadcast over the American Forces Network on Easter Monday 10 April 1950.


The work was judged and accepted as very pleasing, and would heartily recommend it to others.



Anthony Valentino

Director, Outpost Concert

American Forces Network.


K o m p o s i t i o n e n :


  1. Aus einer alten Truhe (Walzerstil) op.
  2. Valse caprice (Konzertwalzer) Des sur - op.
  3. Scherzo no.1. op.
  4. Souvenir (Klavier und Orchester) op.
  5. Valse - amoureuse - op.
  6. Polonaise (Fis dur) op.
  7. Scherzo No.2. (As dur) op.
  8. (ohne Titel!) op.
  9. Konzertwalzer (Es dur) L ä n d l e r op.
  10. B a l l a d e (e moll) op.
  11. G e b e t op.
  12. Konzertwalzer - (Es dur) op.
  13. Südländische - Pantskizze Tanzskizze op.
  14. F e u e r t a n z op.
  15. P r ä l u d i u m (cis moll) op.
  16. H u m o r e s k e (E dur) op.
  17. W a l z e r (Es dur) op.
  18. Klvier [sic] F o x t r o t t =Nicht stolpern op.
  19. Nokturno No. 1. (Es dur) op. 18.
  20. V oo “ V ö g l e i n “ op. 19.
  21. Vorspiel zu einem Märchen op. 20.
  22. N o k t u r n o No. 2. (E dur) op. 21.
  23. H a r l e k i n (Burleske) op. 22.
  24. Violin Romanze (D dur) op. 23.
  25. You anderstand [sic], “Ich liebe Dich” (Song) op. 24.
  26. “Eigenwilliger Walzer” op. 25.


No. 11. is ged uekt [sic] – alle anderen Nummern sind Manuskripte:
