Data: 6/3/1915

Luogo: s.l.

ID: CLET002178







Cara Amica,

                non è davvero leggenda che il pigliar cappello sia una vostra specialità; e la risposta che voi date a Sabbatino Lopez, il quale vi aveva offerto in mio nome Madama Butterfly, ne è una nuova prova.  Al vostro cappellino – moda di Parigi – io potrei contrapporre un mio cappellone – moda di Londra – che avrebbe su scritto: e perché Emma Grammatica dopo il successo italiano di Madama Butterfly in dramma, non mi ha chiesto di includere il lavoro del Belasco nel proprio repertorio?

                Ma se ci tenevo a che voi incarnaste la piccola eroina giapponese – fosse pure in seconde nozze per forza di circostanze di cui oramai, data la vostra decisone, è inutile io vi discorra – ci tengo assai più a che rimanga la nostra buona amicizia.

                E così, con o senza Cio-cio-san, mi dico ancora, con ammirazione


il vostro devoto amico


Tito Ricordi








Dear Friend,

   There is no denying that this habit of "grabbing your hat and storming off " is something of a specialty of yours; and your response to Sabatino Lopez, who offered Madama Butterfly to you in my name, is the latest proof. I could counterpose your bonnet — fresh from Paris — with my bowler — fresh from London — thus inscribed: "Why, after the Italian success of the drama Madama Butterfly, didn't Emma Gramatica want to include Belasco's work in her repertory?"

   But while I had greatly hoped you would embody the little Japanese heroine — be it even in a second marriage due to circumstances that, given your decision, are now pointless to discuss — I value the preservation of our good friendship far more.

   Therefore, with or without Cio-cio-san, I still declare myself, with admiration,


your devoted friend


Tito Ricordi






Dear Giacomo,

   From your letter of the 16th I seem to understand that in all likelihood we will be able to acquire "Zoccoletti" for no more than 5 thousand lire — which amount would concur with what I had anticipated.

   Were this another moment, without the extremely pressing and unavoidable financial commitments that come due at the end of this month, I would quite willingly have deposited the sum you request as an advance for the current semester; but unfortunately, having gone over the figures again today of what money we have available, I am not in a position to do so now.

   If you have income from Italian treasury bonds or bonds guaranteed by the government (railroad bonds, restoration coupons and the like), you don't need to dispose of them — the Banca d'Italia offers grants on such bonds with a discount of 10% to 20% interest — thus if you own bonds for a value of 35 or 40 thousand lire, with a minimal sacrifice on your part, given that you can extinguish your debt in July, you can obtain from the Banca d'Italia in just a few days the 25 thousand you need. If I haven't explained this sufficiently, ask Cantù for clarification; he is familiar with this kind of operation.    

       As a worst-case scenario, if you do not own titles on which the Banca d'Italia makes grants, you could turn to Vienna — unless I am mistaken, those gentlemen have already offered to pay you as much as the full amount of what they still owe you — and since, any way you look at it, there's nothing you can do to opt out of that contract, I would advise you to take advantage of that special condition to obtain the sum you need.

   I am very sorry that, despite my best intentions, I am unable to help in these times, alas! ever more dark and difficult — and you will certainly understand the reasons why.

   With the sincere hope for a felicitous conclusion to the nefarious incident generated by the desire to damage us, I remain always


yours fondly

Tito Ricordi



M° Giacomo Puccini

   Torre del Lago

(express delivery)



Opere citate
Madama Butterfly

Tipologia copialettere
Sottotipologia lettera
Scrittura manoscritto
Lingua italiano

Lettera titolo DOC01829.067
Segnatura Volume DOC01829
Anno 1912-1935
Volume 03
Pag 106
Nr. pag 1