24, Lyndhurst Gardens,




24th. October 1924.

Messrs. G. Ricordi & Co.,



I t a l y.


Dear Sirs,


I received from you whilst I was still in Italy a letter dated September 15th, and in which you very kindly agreed to send me several scores of your publication in which I was interested. I left Italy on October 2nd. and up to that time this music had not arrived. If you have not yet sent it I would beg you to wait until next summer when I shall again be at the same address. If however, the music has been already sent it will be quite safe as the Gardener remains in the house and will just put the parcel away into one of the cupboards until I return.


I thought I had better let you know this as in case you had sent the music you would wonder why I had not acknowledged the receipt of it.


Thank you for your courtesy in the matter.


Yours faithfully.

Albert Coates