[Nota manoscritta]

P.S. I have excellent “contacts” in U.S.A., Australia, & New Zealand who would push the Vocalizzi.

[Carta intestata]

43, Mowbray Road,


London: N.W.6.

Willesden 2024.


20 Feb. 1950

Dott. Eugenio Clausetti

G. Ricordi & C.

Via Berchet 2,



Re: E.R.945

Caro Dottore:

By separate letter I advised you that I was sending you by registered post the revised vocalizzi. I hope the revision meets with your approval. I have made things as clear as possible for your engravers and printers. I have blocked out with white paper the vocalizzi no longer desirable. I have thought it better to re-write almost entirely the Foreword both in Italian and English; have added five new vocalizzi with pianoforte accompaniment. Therefore in all, only sixteen vocalizzi will have piano accompaniment (the first sixteen); the remaining ones Nos 17-50 are without accompaniment.

Every single vocalizzo has stood the test of time and has proved its value over a period of many years. Students of all kinds and conditions like them very much. For many years now I have been obliged to write most of them out for every student. I feel sure that they will sell well and continuously. The publishers of my two books have confirmed the insertion of a Footnote in which reference is made to “Fifty Vocalizzi” E.R.945, and that they are “highly recommended”, published by G.Ricordi & C.

I also enclose a short note in Italian just for your regular files.


[Nota manoscritta] Very many thanks & cordial good wishes,

E. Herbert-Caesari