[Carta intestata]

Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra



December 31, 1951

5646 Kingsbury

Saint Louis, 12, Missouri


Cher ami:


I am delighted to report the very great success of your Suite. I wish you could have heard the performances; we rehearsed leisurely, with plenty of time and the strings played with a smooth, fine and lovely tone that I think would have greatly pleased the composer!


A very Happy New Year with my kindest regards and my friendly congratulations for your success. It delighted me.

Ever cordially yours

Vladimir Golschmann

Trascrizione di Paola Meschini
Tipologia lettera
Sottotipologia lettera
Scrittura dattiloscritto
Lingua inglese

Medatadati Fisici
Nr. Fogli 1
Nr. Allegati 5
Busta 1
Misure 275 X 210 mm

Lettera titolo LLET023502