Data: 6/2/1927

Luogo: Trieste

ID: LLET006309

Hotel de la Ville



Egr. Signor Clausetti

Ricordi e Cie


Dear Mr Clausetti

I thank you for your letter & also for having sent me “Debora” “Kavalieri di Ekebu” [sic] & “Conchita” all of which have arrived safely. I shall take them to Russia & shall hope to interest the Director of the state operas there in one of them. Also I will not fail to tell them of your conditions.

Again thanking you & with kind regards

Yours sincerely

Albert Coates

Trascrizione di Marcella Viale
Tipologia lettera
Sottotipologia lettera
Scrittura manoscritto
Lingua inglese

Medatadati Fisici
Nr. Fogli 1
Misure 255 X 203 mm

Lettera titolo LLET006309