Félix Nadar

Birth: 6/4/1820 Parigi, Francia
Death: 21/3/1910 Parigi, Francia
Role: photographer

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Photograph Description Author ID Date
Angèle in stage costume Nadar, Félix FOTO02233 1875
Zulma Bouffard in La Camargo by Charles Lecocq Nadar, Félix FOTO00648 1878
Sarah Bernhardt in the role of Tosca, Act 1 Nadar, Félix FOTO03016 1887
Sarah Bernhardt in the role of Tosca Nadar, Félix FOTO03017 1887
Sarah Bernhardt in the role of Tosca Nadar, Félix FOTO03018 1887
Sarah Bernhardt in the role of Tosca Nadar, Félix FOTO03019 1887
Sarah Bernhardt in the role of Tosca Nadar, Félix FOTO03020 1887
Sarah Bernhardt in the role of Tosca Nadar, Félix FOTO03021 1887
Sarah Bernhardt in the role of Tosca Nadar, Félix FOTO03022 1887
Celine Chaumont Nadar, Félix FOTO03015