[Carta intestata]

43, Mowbray Road

Northwest 6, London

28th Dec. 1949

My dear Clausetti:

Thanks for your letter of the 15th inst. We reciprocate your good wishes for the New Year to you and yours. Glad you liked the cutting re. the England-Italy match. I quite thought you were something of a football enthusiast. I should now like you to listen to me for a few minutes.

You may or may not remember that Ricordi published in 1928 my “25 Vocalizzi” (E.R. 945). I am under the impression that they sold fairly well year after year; and what helped to keep them going was also the fact that I mentioned them in my book “The Science and Sensations of Vocal Tone” which Dent published in 1936. Since the war ended there has been a renewed demand for them, only to be told that they are “out of print”. For my part, I have had quite a number of letters, also from complete strangers, and from U.S.A. and Australia asking whether there is any probability of them being available again. Next April the second edition of my above book SSVT is being published by Dent; and it still carries the Footnote about the “25 Vocalizzi” (Ricordi). Added to this, my new book “The Voice of the Mind” is being published by Robert Hale Ltd round about June or July. Its is a big work and includes “An Introductory Lesson” by Beniamino Gigli.


In view of all this I am writing to ask whether Ricordi would consider publishing a revised edition of the said Vocalizzi (Vowelisation Exercises). I have in mind to delete several of the original vocalizzi and add a number of other one [sic] of proven value and bring the total up to 50. Please note that quite a number of the new ones would not require any accompaniment, as practised [sic] in the original 25 vocalizzi, therefore it is not a question of producing a big and expensive revised edition. I have in mind to have pianoforte accompaniment only for a few particular vocalizzi.

If Ricordi would consider such a revised edition of Vocalizzi (all of which I guarantee are quite original and my own) which really are unique in the world of song, I have time to have an appropriate Footnote inserted in the forthcoming “THE VOICE OF THE MIND”, the first edition of which will run into 2000 copies, not less and perhaps more, and add this to the 2000 copies of the second edition of SSVT we have a constant advertisement of the Vocalizzi. Apart from this I can always keep the sale going with present and past pupils all of whom will be sure to buy them; after which they will advertise themselves from singer to singer. For my part I would send the best known singing teachers in England a free copy.


Of one thing I am sure and that is that Ricordi would not be “out of pocket” if they produce the revised edition. I will see to that with all means at my disposal.


Can I ask you therefore to use the weight of your influence in reaching a decision? And it could be at Ricordi’s own terms. I’m not after the I½ royalty per copy but solely after a revised edition.


Many thanks in advance, and trusting this finds you and yours in good health. Shall make it a point of seeing you on your next visit.

Yours sincerely,

E. Herbert-Caesari


[Nota manoscritta: Sta bene]