Date: 16/5/1951

Place: s.l.

ID: LLET027999


Gang, Kopp & Tyre

Attorneys at Law

401 Taft Building

Los Angeles 28


May 16, 1951

Mr. Franco Colombo

G. Ricordi & Co.

1270 Avenue of the Americas

New York 20, N.Y.


Dear Mr. Colombo:


Mr. David Tamkin has asked us to reply to your letter to him of April 20, 1951, concerning his opera entitled “THE DYBBUK”.


In your letter you mention that it is quite possible that the work by Ansky is in the public domain in this country and that you did not have time to make the necessary research. We have heretofore made the necessary research and have determined that “THE DYBBUK” is in the public domain in the United States.


We have not investigated your claims to rights in and to “THE DYBBUK”, and feel there is no necessity to do so at this time. However, even assuming that you have the rights you claim to have, I must disagree with your statement that Mr. Tamkin’s opera could not “be performed in any other country but the United States because without question the An-ski drama is still fully protected in all the Berne protected countries and the South American ones as well”.


Whether or not the Ansky drama is protected in the countries adhering to the Berne Convention subsequent to the creation of the play would depend upon the terms under which said countries announced their adherence and whether the same were retroactive and applicable to works which had been published in other convention countries at the time of such adherence. Insofar as the South American countries are concerned, we understand that only Brazil and Haiti are members of the Berne Convention. None of the Pan-American countries are members of the Berne Convention.


At the present time, Mr. Tamkin only intends to present his opera in this country and for that reason we do not feel that it is necessary do [sic] go any further in this matter. However, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to write to me.

Cordially yours,



cc David Tamkin


Estratto dalla lettera di G. RICORDI & Co. Inc. - NEW YORK del 22/5-1951:

DIBBUK.= Vi alleghiamo copia della risposta dei legali di Tamkin coi quali non possiamo che concordare pienamente salvo per quanto riguarda gli Stati Uniti dove, come Vi abbiamo già scritto, il romanzo di An-Ski è pienamente protetto [anche] se non è mai stato pubblicato.

Transcription by Marcella Viale
Typology lettera
Sub-tipology letter
Writing typescript
Language english

Physical Attributes
No. Sheets 1
No. Attachments 1
Size 300 X 220 mm

Letter name LLET027999